SEPTEMBER 17, 2018, CLARK, PAMPANGA—The PDRF Emergency Operations Center (EOC) deployed ten (10) UPS and NLEX trucks to deliver DSWD family food packs and other relief items for communities heavily affected by Typhoon Ompong (internationally known as Mangkhut).

In addition, specialized Search and Rescue (SAR) teams from Asia Pacific Alliance for Disaster Management-Peace Winds (Japan) and Team Rubicon (USA) are on standby for possible deployment. The Japanese team also conducted an initial damage and needs assessment in some affected areas in Pampanga today.

“Our experience in responding to disasters in Japan and in other countries tells us that we can be more effective when we preposition logistics and personnel on the ground.” said Kaori Neki, A-PAD COO.

Aside from providing assistance in the delivery of relief items, PDRF also works with member companies and partners to help restore critical lifelines like telecommunications, water, and power. Ayala Malls were opened for affected people. Globe Telecom and Rise Against Hunger will distribute meal packs, while SMART—in partnership with Vodafone Foundation—will deploy two instant network units in Batanes and Cagayan. These can provide instant wifi via satellite broadband to 500 people simultaneously.

“We are deploying the assets of our member companies to support the needs of the government and communities,” said Ninoy Castro, PDRF Operations Center Director.

The PDRF EOC remains to be activated 24/7 as it continues to monitor and coordinate help to the affected areas. In addition, Inmarsat Satellite equipment (radios and satellite equipment) were prepositioned in the PDRF EOC to ensure that the facility will continue to operate even during worst case scenarios.