PDRF members are organized into a Cluster System that is geared towards proper coordination and collaboration before, during, and after a disaster period.
PDRF’s cluster system is composed of 61 member companies which focus their efforts on their given industries. Each member company has a designated Business Continuity Planning and Emergency Management Officer who undergoes training and coordinates closely with the PDRF.
Why the Cluster Approach?
An independent review commissioned by the UN Emergency Relief Coordinator in 2005 found significant gaps in humanitarian response. That same year, the cluster approach was adopted by the Inter Agency Standing Committee to: (1) improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the humanitarian response to crises; (2) increase predictability and accountability in all the main sectors of the international humanitarian response; and (3) ensure that gaps in response do not go unaddressed.
These clusters were chosen specifically for the Philippines as they are referred to as the lifeline industries of the business community. This means that they cover what would be needed to get businesses and communities back on track following a disaster.