BPI, BPI Foundation, PDRF turn over Taal evacuation center to Batangas

BPI and BPI Foundation, in partnership with the Philippine Disaster Resilience Foundation (PDRF), recently turned over the BPI Bayanihan Center to the Provincial Government of Batangas, as part of PDRF’s Safe Shelters Project.

Located in Ibaan, Batangas, the BPI Bayanihan Center was initially intended to provide a safe harbor to those affected by the eruption, but with its modified design it can also function as a healthcare facility, a livelihood center, and a multi-purpose hall.

The 528-sqm infrastructure was built with sturdy and sustainable materials to survive disasters. It can withstand 250kph winds or Signal No. 5 typhoons and M7.0 earthquakes. It has inclusive features such as a breastfeeding station and ramp to accommodate breastfeeding women and persons with disabilities.

“From now on, the people will have a safe haven to turn to during the times of greatest danger,” said PDRF President Butch Meily.

The P12.77M funding used for the building construction came from the collaborative efforts of BPI clients, employees and BPI Foundation through their #TaalLove Project. The Provincial Government of Batangas donated the lot on which the center was built.

“All of these efforts reinforce our mission as one BPI, which is to build a better Philippines —one family, one community at a time. Let the BPI Bayanihan Center be a reminder for all of us to help each other especially during hard times, so that as we work towards recovery and progress, no Filipino gets left behind,” said BPI President and CEO TG Limcaoco during the
inauguration ceremony.

PDRF’s Safe Shelters Project aims to use sustainable materials and design to build disaster-resilient shelters and facilities. This is the fifth evacuation center built through PDRF. The first four were built following the destruction made by Typhoon Yolanda (International name: Haiyan) in 2013—two in Tacloban and another two in Palo, Leyte.

BPI and BPI Foundation are member companies of PDRF through Ayala Corporation’s membership.